Copywriting for B2B, tech, and finance on social media pages

If you’re a B2B, tech, or finance company questioning the value of social media, you’re in good company. But you may wish to know that the latest research ranks paid social media as the top B2B content marketing channel. In fact, according to this book, 94% of B2B marketers are using LinkedIn to distribute content and generate leads. 

It takes time to understand what makes your audience tick.

As professional copywriters, we understand how words on your social media feed can generate quality traffic flow, bring in customers who pay well, and ultimately lower your bottom line. Using the right words on social media will get you attention from both relevant audiences and social media algorithms. In fact, research by LinkedIn (Truth About Social Selling) shows that half of all online revenue is influenced by social selling.

Tech, and finance social media copywriting agency illustration

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

Copywriting for social media – the Etymon way

There’s no shortage of social media copywriting tips out there. However, the reality is, there is no hard and fast rule for writing high-converting social media copy. What works for one company doesn’t always work for the other. It’s an area of copywriting that requires heavy customisation so, we’ve kept our tips short and sweet:

Love them or hate them; social media algorithms are here to stay.

It’s particularly easy for B2B companies to ignore social media marketing, but it’s a problem that no matter how much we ignore, won’t go away. Whether we like it or not, conversations about our industries, and companies are happening on social media, and if we’re not a part of it, then we’re simply creating more space for our competitors.

That doesn’t mean social media is the be-all and end-all. There are, of course, many potential customers who don’t use it, so as with anything in the world of content marketing, a balanced approach that is right for your audience, company, and brand is key.

B2B social media copywriting services here to stay illustration

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