Etymon was born in 2018 when our founder realised that every tech geek needed a work geek to piece together stories that sell while providing freelance copywriting services to B2B companies in Singapore. Combined with the networking and business savviness of an MBA graduate from Australia, Etymon was created with the goal of becoming the go-to copywriting agency for B2B, tech, and finance companies across Singapore, Malaysia and beyond!
Driven by strong client results and overwhelming demand, Etymon has grown rapidly in 3 years and now takes on projects across the Asia Pacific. In 2019, we were shortlisted as a finalist for Marketing Magazine’s B2B Agency of the Year and Content Marketing Agency of the Year awards. Within our first two years of operation, we are proud to have provided B2B content writing services for:
- Promising tech and fintech startups
- Growing SMEs across Asia Pacific
- Leading multinational tech companies
- Singapore-based government institutions
- Reputable full-service advertising agencies

Learn about our work in a minute
What does Etymon mean?
The word Etymon originates from Ancient Greek. It means the true sense of a word according to its origin. As a B2B, tech, and finance copywriting agency, we want to go beyond cookie-cutter templates that B2B marketers have become too accustomed to using.
Instead of colouring between the lines, our team of technical copywriters help our clients stand out by replacing unnecessary jargon and incomprehensible acronyms with relatable storytelling that highlights the best aspects of their products and services.
With a keen eye for proofreading and sensitivity to the written word, our copywriters also double up as editors who are raising the standard of web content by ensuring consistent messaging across all marketing channels. Take a look at how we piques the curiosity of your audience and drive them into action:
2020 marked the year when our copywriting agency expanded both the our scope of services and clientele. We started to complement our B2B content writing with bite-sized SEO services for clients in Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia in response to client feedback.
Many of our clients were finding difficulty sourcing for agencies that specialised in tech and finance, and also felt overwhelmed by the long-term contracts and complexities that SEO agencies were offering. In our experience, technical SEO problems hamper the content marketing efforts of many companies.
A combination of industry familiarity, grasp of SEO fundamentals, and effective SEO strategies have allowed our copywriters to increase the SERP rankings and organic search traffic for our clients faster than the industry standard of 6 months.
Why hire a specialist content writer?
What type of content writing does Etymon specialise in?
We’re proud to say that our content marketing as been featured on some of the largest business news sites and digital publications for tech and finance, including the likes of The Economic Times and CNBC. Apart from publicly featured content, we’ve also provided B2B, tech, and financial writing services for our clients’ internal publications, websites, whitepapers, and other assets that continue to benefit their sales and marketing efforts.

Every tech geek needs a word geek®
Why we love content writing
Some call it copywriting, others call it content writing. But to us, it all boils down to the fundamentals of communicating clearly. The tools and channels that companies use to market themselves may have changed, but the objective hasn’t. At Etymon, our copywriting team is all about bringing companies back to the core principles of communication and buyer behaviour that drive purchases.
Good copywriting is all about appealing to the thoughts and emotions of our customers, even the ones in the B2B space. At the end of the day, we’re selling to human decision makers, not faceless corporations. A strong sense of empathy and a keen understanding of behavioural psychology is what generates content that addresses pain points and encourages people to change long-ingrained behaviours.
Working with Etymon means getting ahead with content writing services that help your audiences feel seen, heard, and understood. We’re proud of everything that we write for our clients, and strive to amplify your marketing reach by writing for Google’s SEO bots and human readers.