Editing and proofreading services

Content riddled with errors can drive buyers away. Perhaps you don’t have the budget to outsource content writing nor the time to do editing and proofreading in-house. Or maybe you’re a B2B company that prefers in-house product experts to write before engaging an external editor. Whichever you are, our affordable editing and proofreading service retainers executed by B2B content writers and SEO experts can help.

Why do content writers need editors?

Every expert, in almost every industry, relies on colleagues to scrutinise gaps, identify weaknesses, and challenge assumptions – content writing is no different. Even an experienced and good content writer needs an editor’s extra set of eyes to fine-tune copy and cover their blind spots.

What is the difference between editing and proofreading?

Editing and proofreading are both important, but they are done at different stages of the revision process. Proofreading involves correcting errors in the final design stages to spot any embarrassing mistakes that could reduce credibility. Editing, on the other hand, looks at the overall flow, structure and clarity to help readability.

Tech, finance and B2B content writers need editors illustration

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

Editing – The Etymon way

Beyond correction of faulty spelling, grammar, and punctuation, Etymon’s B2B-focused editors ensure the style and tone of your content reflects your company’s branding. We’ll ensure conciseness and clarity by eliminating unnecessary words or inappropriate jargon while ensuring your intended messaging remains intact.

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