Looking for a freelance content writer?

Etymon can help.

What’s better than competition?

Calling all advertising agencies, marketing consultancies, creative agencies, and public relations firms. Etymon is a specialised B2B copywriting and SEO agency that understands the inevitable scope changes and timeline adjustments that your projects encounter.

Most importantly, we don’t use that as an excuse to settle for average copywriting. Whether your offices are based in Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, or anywhere in APAC, we understand the hustle and bustle of the agency world, and we’ve built a reputation for delivering engaging copy when you need it – wherever you are.

B2B, tech and finance copywriting agency collaboration illustration

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

Our copywriters have specialised knowledge in B2B, tech, and finance

If you’re guilty of asking your account executive to write copy for client projects, or if your generalist in-house copywriter or freelance content writer doesn’t have advanced tech, finance or B2B knowledge, then we would love to help.

We’ve written a variety of content for full-service agencies across APAC including Australia, Thailand, and Malaysia. During this time we’ve worked closely with:

  • Creative directors
  • Production teams
  • Designers
  • Account executives
  • Agency management
  • And at times, our clients’ clients

We can play as big or as small of a role as you’d like and we’re willing and able to conceptualise, brainstorm, and collaborate to create stronger ideas.

B2B, tech and finance content writing specialisation illustration

Why hire Etymon when I can hire a freelance B2B content writer?

Creative thinkers

Creative thinkers

We’re creative thinkers who understand customer journeys and brand experiences, and we’re up-to-date on SEO best practices.

Optimised meta tags

Regional exposure

Our copywriters have experience working across APAC. This allows us to present copy concepts that can be used across markets.

B2B copywriters at Etymon icon


We understand the importance of your overarching strategy and ensure that its integrity is maintained when writing.

We’ve got your back.

Most of our agency partnerships involve a project coordinator, a B2B copywriter and an editor (budget permitting). Unlike a freelance copywriter arrangement, this ensures we’ve got a back-up in the event of something unforeseeable.

  • Our editor is there to ensure the copy is consistent with your clients’ tone and style guidelines and is error-free
  • Our B2B copywriter brainstorms, ideates and writes creative copy that matches the overall strategic goals of your client
  • Our project coordinator stays on top of any scope changes and feedback exchange and ensures our copywriter is on track
Most of our agency partnerships involve a project coordinator, a B2B copywriter and an editor (budget permitting)

FAQs about our copywriting services

Agencies we’ve supported

Our agency partners - Etymon Singapore B2B copywriting agency

Agency testimonials
