Copywriting – Leadership bios

Does your professional LinkedIn bio present you in the best light? If you’re not sure, then think about whether your profile gets your audience to DM you about partnerships and services. If you answered no, you’re in the right place. You’ll be surprised at how well-written leadership bios can open doors and lead you to new opportunities.

Want to be a thought leader?
Stop searching for professional bio templates

A well-written leadership bio is a career essential. They are a much more effective approach when trying to initiate an exploratory conversation than a resume. That might be for a C-level role or even a business partnership. But, often when you’ve got such an opportunity, one of three things usually happens:

  • You scramble, only to find it incredibly hard to write about yourself.
  • You download a cookie-cutter template from the internet and fill in the blanks.
  • Or, you end up sending your resume.

Unfortunately, these attempts rarely pass go.

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Tips for writing leadership bios – The Etymon way

Whether you’re writing your professional bio for the first time, or even refreshing one that has been collecting digital dust, it’s not as easy as it seems. There are so many professional bios out there that are soul-crushingly boring. The last thing we want you to do is to become one of them.

Your bio vs your resume vs your LinkedIn profile

Your professional bio is a succinct, stand-alone version of your professional career, and it complements your formal resume and personal branding on LinkedIn. While each should deliver a consistent message, it still means each should be written differently. Never copy and paste your bio into your LinkedIn profile, and never give your resume when a professional bio is requested.

Your resume
  • Your resume should be written in a chronological and first-person way and show your employment experience, skills, education, and achievements in detail. With the rise in applicant tracking software, resumes should be targeted to a specific role, and detailed metric-driven achievements are important to help you stand out.
Your leadership bio
  • Your professional bio is much more visible as it can be used on the “About” page of your company website, your own personal website, shared at networking events, used in press releases, and distributed in various other forms of marketing collateral, therefore it’s usually written in the third person.
Your profile bio
  • Your LinkedIn profile is your chance to build your network. Since it’s a social platform, it’s advisable to write your profile summary in a more casual first-person manner as people want to think that it’s you. This requires a delicate balance as there is a fine line between showing your achievements and boasting.

FAQs about leadership bios

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