Editing services for StarHub Business Enteprise

What copy editing services did Etymon provide?

Starhub Business Enterprise’s B2B marketing team engaged Etymon for copy editing services. Our tech copywriters were tasked to edit marketing collaterals for consistency and accuracy, with a touch of personality for better engagement. Collaterals included newsletters, social media posts, product catalogues, as well as both corporate and internal communications.

Who is StarHub Business Enterprise?

StarHub Business Enterprise is a local end-to-end telecommunications & ICT solutions provider helping businesses scale with flexible network infrastructure. They needed B2B copywriters who could understand their technology and communicate the selling points of their solutions to B2B buyers.

The editing style

Besides a keen eye for detail, our copy editors had to strategically weave SEO keywords into StarHub’s B2B marketing collateral where appropriate. At the same time, they had to adhere to StarHub’s B2B marketing guidelines while also ensuring that an engaging tone was maintained throughout. 

Creative writing25%
Strategic writing35%
Conversational writing10%
Technical writing20%
SEO copywriting10%

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

More details of our copy editing…

Etymon Portfolio - StarHub

We provided boutique copy editing and proofreading services to generate relatable copy that helped StarHub Business Enterprise’s customers achieve greater understanding on subscription plan changes and service breakdowns, minimising the burden on their customer support staff.

The copy editing results

Contract renewed

Digital Ads

Marketing collateral

Client feedback

Irene T, Associate Director, StarHub
“At first, we engaged Etymon as content editors and proofreaders as they demonstrated a high vocabulary and acumen in the tech and B2B sector. But we found their content writers to write in a way that is void of exaggerated and cliche buzzwords, and with their human-centric style of writing (that is still very business-oriented) we also engaged Etymon’s writers for leadership branding and digital ad copywriting projects.”

Irene T, Associate Director, StarHub

Experience the Etymon effect

If you’d like to enjoy the expediency of proofreading and copy editing services with guaranteed quality and SEO results, speak to us.

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