Content Writing Services for 8x8

What content writing services did Etymon provide?

Our content writers have been writing blogs, white papers, infographics and e-books for 8×8 for over 18 months. Our technical copywriting team knows 8×8’s solutions inside-out, and have contributed significantly to increases in MQLs as well as website traffic in key ASEAN markets.

Who is 8×8?

Officially, 8×8 is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider of cloud-based voice, video, chat, contact centre, and enterprise-class API solutions powered by a global cloud communications platform. In layman terms, 8×8 makes it possible for businesses to efficiently, and cost effectively improve digital communications. 

The content writing style

Strategic and personalised storytelling sums up what our content writers do for 8×8. Each month our writers craft a combination of country and industry specific use cases, blogs and infographics to demonstrate how any B2B company can benefit from 8×8’s solutions.

Creative writing25%
Formal writing10%
Conversational writing30%
Technical writing15%
SEO copywriting20%

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

More details of our copywriting…

Etymon Portfolio - 8x8

We love writing ebooks! Not only do interactive e-books add a nice variation to your standard blogs and whitepapers, their layout makes for an engaging read for clients who are on the go. These ebooks are mobile optimised, can be shared on social media and can be embedded with video, polls, and website links. 

The content writing results

+300 content pieces

Gated content

Positive HQ feedback

Client feedback

Eliza Koo
“We’ve seen significant improvements since signing Etymon. Etymon produced +300 content pieces, required minimal guidance and revisions, and was always on time. Their e-books led to valuable MQLs, and their LinkedIn social media copywriting led to an increase in followers and a spike in engagement. Etymon’s content writing also contributed to +33% leads and +21% greater than expected impressions. We received great feedback from our US-based HQ who praised the content created. It’s been a pleasure working with Etymon.”

Eliza Koo, Head of Marketing, 8×8

Experience the Etymon effect

If you’re not familiar with the current B2B content writing and SEO trends, speak to us.

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