Proposal Writing Services for Aquariux Fintech

How does Etymon approach proposal writing?

Etymon’s copywriters combed the internet to study the selection criteria of potential partners as well as Aquariux’s own technology. This helped us draw links between the two and showcase Aquariux’s solutions in the best light possible. 

Who is Aquariux Fintech?

Aquariux is a fintech startup that provides a solution suite for trading, payments, and remittance of both traditional and digital assets. They also provide professional services in blockchain integration. Aquariux was founded in 2020 and is a member of the Singapore Fintech Association.

The proposal copywriting style

While an officious tone was assumed to provide the business proposal with more weight, our copywriters were also mindful of keeping the content engaging and writing to a human audience. Writing content in this manner required us to be mindful of Aquariux’s technology at all times so that the final proposal would not over simplify the complexities of Aquariux’s technology.

Creative writing15%
Strategic writing40%
Conversational writing5%
Technical writing40%
SEO copywriting0%

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

More in details of our proposal copywriting…


No one knows Aquariux’s solutions better than themselves. However, we had to account for the possibility that the recipient of this proposal may not understand their tech as well. Our content writers sat through numerous meetings with the product development team to understand their product and distil that knowledge into content that can be digested by the layperson.

Proposal writing results

Business outcomes

Resource efficiency

Content clarity

Client feedback

We engaged Etymon to write a position paper for a new tech product. We were impressed with their professionalism and ability to visualise and convert technical terms into layman terms. Beyond writing, their team went the extra mile to research and provided insight that we incorporated into our position paper.

We recommend Etymon as an agency not only for an understanding of high-tech, but also an ability to break it down for the non tech savvy.

Winston, Business Analyst, Aquariux Fintech

Experience the Etymon effect

If you’re a startup looking to convince government officials, multinational corporations, angel investors, and even employees to work with you, our copywriting services may be your best investment yet.

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