Report writing services for Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE)

What copywriting services did we provide?

Our agency was originally engaged to provide copyediting and design support for ACE’s Position Paper containing recommendations on how the Singapore government can address challenges in the startup ecosystem. However, throughout the process Etymon’s writers engaged stakeholders frequently with fresh ideas so that value-added writing services could be rendered to create an impactful final report that would steer industry wide change. These recommendations were accepted by the client and comprehensive re-writes and re-structuring was performed. .

Who is Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE)?

ACE is a key trade association with over 2,000 members that represent over 1,300 startups within Singapore’s Startup Ecosystem. Working closely with the Government, ACE aims to promote entrepreneurship by focusing on Startups, Corporations, Institutes of Higher Learning, Risk Capital, and the Public Sector.

The content writing style

Etymon’s copywriters worked round the clock over several months consulting stakeholders to incorporate their perspectives and ensure that the position paper captured the nuances of Singapore’s startup economy. Throughout the drafting process, our content writers remained open to feedback to deliver accurate writing and editing services.

Creative writing20%
Strategic writing40%
Conversational writing30%
Technical writing10%
SEO copywriting0%

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

More details of our copywriting…


ACE’s Assistant Director commended our copywriters for their professionalism and flexibility. Specifically, he highlighted our ability to work under pressure and being open to feedback, all of which contributed to an impactful position paper.

The content writing results

Timely submission

Resource efficiency

Real world impact

Client feedback

Joseph ACE
“We engaged Etymon for copyediting and design support for an important Position Paper containing actionable recommendations to the Singapore Government on how to address gaps and future challenges in the startup ecosystem. We were impressed with how Etymon put themselves in our shoes and understood our stakeholders’ perspectives. Despite the time pressure, their responsiveness and ability to understand project nuances contributed significantly value-add to our final report. Overall, the Etymon team has been professional, open to feedback, and a pleasure to work with.”

Joseph Kong, Assistant Director, Action Community for Entrepreneurship

Experience the Etymon effect

If you’d like to deliver white papers or proposals that will convince your audience into taking action, speak to us

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