Content Writing Services for CoachHub

What content writing services did Etymon provide?

Our copywriting team was responsible for content strategy proposals and writing region-specific blogs, infographics and whitepapers for CoachHub’s website. Our graphic design team also designed reports and curated images to accompany these collateral.

Who is CoachHub?

CoachHub is a global talent development platform that curates personalised, measurable, and scalable coaching programs for employees regardless of their industry, seniority, or department.

The copywriting style

Content on topics such as diversity & inclusivity, employee engagement, and ESG had to be angled such that employers could look beyond cost factors and understand the positive impact that a healthy, engaged workforce would have on their bottom line.

Creative writing25%
Strategic writing20%
Conversational writing30%
Technical writing5%
SEO copywriting20%

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

More in details of our content writing…


Content writers who were familiar with the business context within Southeast Asia and East Asia were selected to write content for CoachHub, leading to blog articles with in-depth analysis and insight into country-specific work cultures.

The results of our content writing

Retainer contracts

Smooth pipelines

New content direction

Experience the Etymon effect

Hyper localised content is key to effective marketing when expanding into new regions. If you need SEO-friendly B2B content that sells, speak to us.

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