Copywriting and Translation Services for Donaldson

What copywriting and translation services did Etymon provide?

Who says filtration systems can’t be sexy? As a provider of air, oil, and liquid filtration solutions, Donaldson needed content that highlighted what engineers care about — operational efficiency and low maintenance cost, while keeping the content accessible for non engineering audiences. To highlight the superiority of Donaldson’s filtration solutions, Etymon’s copywriting team toed the line between engineering complexity and conversational writing to meet all stakeholder requirements.

Who is Donaldson?

Donaldson is a world leading filtration solution provider for the construction, manufacturing, transportation, and F&B industry, among others. Their filtration systems allow clients and partners to lower emissions, reduce waste, and minimise operational costs, bringing them closer towards environmentally friendly operations.

The copywriting style

Because we were writing for engineers, we could afford to leave in a greater percentage of technical terms that would normally be broken down by our copywriting team. The end result was webinar decks and scripts that demonstrated Donaldson’s industry expertise, while also ensuring that the content was witty and cheeky enough to keep the audience listening until the end.

Creative writing25%
Strategic writing25%
Conversational writing25%
Technical writing25%
SEO copywriting0%

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

More details of our copywriting and translation


Communicating effectively over digital channels means understanding the limitations of remote webinars and writing with these restrictions in mind. Keeping in mind that we were writing for an international audience whose first language may not be English, our copywriters made sure to balance out engineering complexity with careful word choice so as to bring clarity rather than confusion to Donaldson’s speeches.

Content writing results

Service delivery

Positive feedback

High engagement

Experience the Etymon effect

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