Copywriting and editing services for SES

What copyediting and copywriting services did Etymon provide?

SES has been receiving copy editing support from our agency for over 12 months. By working closely with their marketing team, our content editors have helped SES roll out eDM marketing campaigns, launch landing pages, and other marketing collateral with pinpoint grammatical accuracy and tone consistency.

Who is SES?

SES prides themselves on being the world’s leading content connectivity provider with a fleet of over 70 satellites circulating in orbits that are further than that of their competitors. Their solutions have helped governments and enterprises increase content and communication accessibility around the globe.

The content writing style

Etymon’s copywriting team always relishes the challenge of sinking their teeth into new technology. Writing for SES has required us to understand how networks operate on the extraterrestrial plane as well as its real world effects on the ground to create copy that showcases SES as the network provider of choice.

Creative writing15%
Strategic writing35%
Conversational writing15%
Technical writing35%
SEO copywriting0%

Every tech geek needs a word geek®

More in details of our copywriting…

SES_Satellite and ground communications_marketing_content strategy_copywriting agency_etymon

SES is regularly featured in high calibre industry magazines for providing quality satellite services to governments, media customers, and remote populations around the globe. To demonstrate the impact of their services, copyeditors in charge of the SES account use a combination of statistics and deliberate word choice to bring alive topics such as digital inclusivity, disaster relief, the end user experience, and more.

Content writing results

Fast turnarounds

Value added inputs

Renewed contract

Experience the Etymon effect

Drop us a message for advice and strategy on how to craft eDMs, newsletters, and landing pages that will actually draw eyeballs and boost conversion rates.

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